When dealing with gout, the beverages you choose to consume are of utmost importance. Gout is a type of arthritis caused by excess uric acid in the blood and joint crystals. Some drinks can cause flare-ups, while others can ease symptoms. This blog post covers low-purine drinks that help manage symptoms and beverages to avoid. We also cover adapting to a gout-friendly drink routine and common gout-drink queries. Let’s explore which drinks can help control your gout symptoms for a better quality of life.

Table of Contents

  1. Tops Drinks to Relieve Symptoms of Gout 
  2. What to Avoid: High Purine Drinks
  3. Adapting to a Gout-Friendly Beverage Routine
  4. Frequently Asked Questions
  5. Conclusion 

1. Top Drinks to Relieve Symptoms of Gout

Choosing beverages with low purine levels aids in managing gout symptoms, supporting a gout-friendly diet. Low-purine drinks help maintain uric acid levels and reduce the risk of gout symptoms. Gout patients must identify low-purine drinks to manage the progression of joint damage.

Are you looking for the best drinks to manage gout symptoms? Try green tea and cherry juice to lower uric acid levels. Lemon water can also help with gout symptoms. Low-fat milk, yogurt, and drinking more water can help flush out uric acid. Coffee is also great for reducing uric acid levels and improving health. All these beverages offer health benefits and aid with managing gout symptoms!

Sip on gout-friendly drinks, alleviating symptoms and promoting well-being.

Herbal Tea and Their Benefits

Herbal teas provide a comforting and moisturizing experience, making them an excellent choice for individuals with gout. These teas are healthier than beverages high in purine content, ensuring patients maintain proper hydration levels. By incorporating herbal teas into their diet, gout sufferers can improve their overall well-being while enjoying the pleasurable and advantageous health effects.

Caffeine and its Potential Benefits

Moderate consumption of coffee can assist in symptom management, alleviating inflammation and pain associated with gout. It is important to note that excessive consumption of coffee may have detrimental effects on gout. To maintain a healthy balance, it is advisable to limit coffee intake to three cups per day and refrain from adding sugar or creamer. If you have gout or any other health condition, it is crucial to consult your doctor before implementing any dietary or lifestyle modifications.

Water: The Best Choice for Gout Sufferers


Drinking enough water is crucial for managing gout as it helps to flush out uric acid. Gout sufferers need to maintain good hydration as this supports healthier kidney function. Adequate water intake benefits individuals experiencing gout symptoms and can help prevent further joint damage. Furthermore, drinking a significant amount of water will prevent you from kidney stones. ​

Fresh Fruit Juices and Smoothies

Drinking fresh fruit juices and smoothies can be a tasty way to stay hydrated and manage your condition. These drinks contain Vitamin C from fruits like oranges, lemons, grapefruits, tomatoes, papaya, kiwi, etc. These fruits have many health benefits. They are low in purine content, which worsens gout symptoms and can lessen inflammation. Additionally, they support overall health by providing essential nutrients like fibre, antioxidants, and minerals. So go ahead and enjoy a refreshing glass of fresh fruit juice or smoothie to stay hydrated while taking care of your health if you have gout!

Late-night drinks

Gout patients who socialize late at night may struggle to pick a drink that won’t worsen their symptoms. Instead of alcohol, mocktails with fruits and vegetables based on strawberries, pineapple, or cucumber are good options. Alcohol increases uric acid production and triggers gout. Hence, vitamin C-rich fruits like oranges, kiwis, and grapefruits are better choices as they reduce uric acid levels in the body. Including low-fat dairy products in mocktails can also provide calcium and vitamin D for strong bones and joints. Smart choices while socializing help protect the health of gout patients.

2. What to Avoid: High Purine Drinks

Avoid high-purine drinks to manage gout symptoms effectively. Gout patients should steer clear of beverages with high purine levels due to the risk of exacerbating gout symptoms. It is crucial to refrain from consuming drinks that can increase the levels of uric acid in the body, potentially leading to gout flare-ups and complications.

Sugary Drinks and their Influence on Gout

It’s essential to be mindful of high fructose corn syrup in soft drinks, as it can worsen gout symptoms. Even natural fruit juices are high in sugar and can raise uric acid levels. Energy drinks, with their high sugar and caffeine, may also trigger gout attacks. Consider healthier alternatives like water with lemon or cherry juice and antioxidant-rich green tea.

Alcohol and Gout: A Dangerous Combination

Alcohol consumption and gout have long been known to be a dangerous combination. Alcohol not only increases uric acid production in the body but also interferes with its excretion, leading to higher levels of uric acid and an increased risk of gout flare-ups. Gout patients should exercise caution when it comes to alcohol intake.

While it is recommended to avoid alcohol altogether, if you do choose to drink, moderation is key. Opt for lower-purine alcoholic beverages such as light beers or spirits like vodka or gin mixed with low-sugar mixers.​

3. Adapting to a Gout-Friendly Beverage Routine

To adapt to a Gout-Friendly Beverage Routine, switch to low-fat dairy products. This will decrease uric acid levels. Drink vitamin C-rich beverages like orange juice. Water, green tea, or cherry juice can manage gout flare-ups.

Incorporating Healthy Drinks in Daily Life

To manage gout well, try weight-loss drinks. Eat yogurt to reduce the risk of gout attacks. Green tea fights inflammation tied to gout, and cherry juice can ease joint pain. Lemon water is good for the kidneys and removes extra uric acid to help with gout management.

Tips to Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is crucial for managing gout. Fluid intake helps dilute uric acid, reduces gout risks, and supports kidney function. Green tea and cherry juice aid in fluid consumption and prevent gout flare-ups. Monitoring urine colour can indicate if enough fluids are being consumed for gout management.

4. Frequently Asked Questions

Can I drink soda if I have gout?

Soda is generally not recommended for individuals with gout. Soda, especially those that are high in fructose or contain artificial sweeteners, can contribute to higher levels of uric acid in the body.

Is it safe to consume energy drinks?

Consuming energy drinks can increase the risk of gout attacks due to their high caffeine and sugar content. These drinks can elevate uric acid levels, worsening gout symptoms. Instead of drinking energy drinks, consider switching to herbal tea, which can benefit your health.

How much water should I drink daily?

Aim for at least eight glasses of water daily to manage gout symptoms effectively. Adjust your intake based on individual factors like climate to support gout management. Hydration plays a crucial role in alleviating gout symptoms and preventing flare-ups. Consistently drink water and supplement with herbal tea for optimal results. Adequate fluid intake supports kidney function in managing gout.

Does Non-alcoholic beer have the high uric acid?

The answer will let you down, a study found that alcoholic beer raises uric acid by 6.5% and non-alcoholic beer raises 4.4%. So, it’s best to avoid both types of beer when managing gout symptoms.


5. Conclusion

In conclusion, when it comes to managing gout, choosing the suitable beverages can make a significant difference in alleviating symptoms and preventing flare-ups. Opt for low-purine drinks such as water, herbal teas, fresh fruit juices, and coffee to stay hydrated and reduce uric acid levels. Avoid high-purine drinks like alcohol and sugary beverages that can trigger gout attacks. Adapting to a gout-friendly beverage routine is important by incorporating healthy drinks into your daily life and staying hydrated. Remember, if you have any unanswered queries about gout and beverages, it’s always best to consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice. Stay informed and make wise choices to manage your gout effectively.
